Rachel Agard

Professional German-English translation, transcreation & editing

Looking for an experienced and creative translator?

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I have been translating and editing texts professionally since 2017. I started in-house in Nottingham, where I was thoroughly trained in translation practice and software. In 2019, I decided to go freelance and have been collaborating with a range of clients ever since, working on all sorts of translation projects, but specialising in creative texts.

Here's a summary of my career so far:

2019 - present

Freelance German to English translator

with a range of regular clients:



Graduated from

the University of Warwick

with a First in English and German.


2018 - 2019

Highly commended by

the judges of

the Peirene Stevns

Translation Prize 2023.

Edited several chapters for

Survivor Researcher Cassandra Lovelock.

  • Supertext Deutschland GmbH
  • FAMA GmbH
  • Louise Killeen Translations Ltd.

Translated the personal memories

of a relative.

2020 - 2021


Read & edited country assessments

for the Government Defence Integrity Index

compiled by Transparency International UK.


Attended Bristol Translates,

a literary translation summer school

held at the University of Bristol.

In-house translator

at AST Language Services Ltd.,


Translated an extensive academic text on the ‘Imperial Turn’ for Peter Eich at the University of Freiburg.


Here's a quick summary of my clients and the types of projects I've worked on. If you'd like to read about these clients and projects in more detail, please click below to view my full portfolio.

Types of projects completed

Examples of end clients

• Marketing/website texts

• Company newsletters

• Press releases & blogposts

• Tourism brochures

• Educational articles

• Video subtitles

• Exhibition brochures

• Presentations and speeches

• Relatives' personal memories

• Universities

• Railway operators

• Government agencies

• SMEs

• Multinationals

• Museums

• Magazines

Companies I've worked with

• Supertext GmbH


• Louise Killeen Translations Ltd

• Blarlo Global Solutions S.L.

• AST Language Services Ltd.

• Transparency International UK